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"As the Director of ROAD678 since its inception,

 I have been passionate about helping youth

since day 1.  ROAD678 started out of a need

to help middle school students at Woodruff

Middle School.  The idea was thrown around

With a group of interested individuals and then

We met with the Middle School.  Woodruff Middle

School, Mrs. Selena Turnipseed, the guidance

Counselor and Mr. Lawson, the principal was

on board with us and excited about the

partnership.  Over the past 3 and ½ years,

ROAD678 has been very successful and we

are looking forward to growing more and seeing

more students come to know Jesus and learn

how to live as caring, responsible, and productive young adults. "

Adrianna Alexander

Director of  ROAD678

Deborah Williams,
Director of Woodruff Community Center & Mentor

"Through ROAD678 these teens are exposed to many experiences and life skills that they would never know without their involvement with the program.  I love seeing the expressions on their faces as they take part in the activities!  The most meaningful time I’ve had with these students was in the overnight talks while on a trip to the RAMP, a youth conference where I have seen them receive Jesus and be baptized.  I am so glad to have a chance to make a difference in their lives."

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Liz Morton, Mentor

Hey everyone. I am Elizabeth (Liz) Morton. I am a wife (Josh) and mother to two sons (Dakoda and Grayson) and we live on a small farm in Duncan. As a child, I wanted to be an agricultural missionary and go around the world teaching people how to grow food and animals. Well, the Lord has not yet called me to "go to the ends of the earth '' to teach people how to farm but he did call me to be a high school agriculture teacher and FFA advisor, so my classroom is my mission field. I teach at RD Anderson ATC and absolutely love my career. I was raised in a home where doing missions was a big part of our life, we were always volunteering and helping out in the community, even traveling to other states to help build churches, clean up after natural disasters, etc... Naturally, the strong emphasis on missions is what drew me to Church at the Mill and eventually, to the Woodruff Campus. We had been in Woodruff for almost one year and I had not felt called to any of our missions project until I got a message that Mrs. Adrianna needed help ASAP with Summer Camp, I knew that was for me! I was the only person from my small group that showed up but that was God's plan. I honestly didn't think I would do much with ROAD 678 beyond summer programs, but I was wrong, I am so glad I have the opportunity to serve these pre-teens weekly. Getting to know our kids is such a blessing and I don't know if I will have an impact on them this side of heaven, but I know they are changing me.  God is doing big things at ROAD678 and I am blessed that he is including me in those plans. 

Selena Turnipseed, M. Ed.
Guidance Counselor for Woodruff Middle School  

"I appreciate ROAD 678 Ministry being a safe, caring, and nurturing place for middle school age students. Adrianna and the volunteers pour their heart and soul into every student. Students enjoy participating in the many activities. These activities provide opportunities for our students that they might not have otherwise. Most importantly, I think every student feels loved and valued. Every time I see photos from their meetings or hear students talk about their participation in the program, my heart fills up with joy and gratitude for Adrianna and all the volunteers who make it possible."

Patricia Thomas


My name is Patricia Thomas. I have a ministry called
mentor for ROAD678. It's a blessing to be able to
work with Adrianna and her amazing group of youth
and mentors at Road 678!! I enjoy being a part of this
program and watching the youth laugh, pray, and
believe God for a future full of great things!!

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Monte and Michelle Guffey Mentors

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